They all signed the deal a couple of weeks ago. Most of us thought that FNL and the government have at least read the text before signing it. It turns out: may be they read it, but they did not understand....may be texts should be written in Kirundi so that the language is not to blame for misunderstanding! We all thought they negociated first...And I am not surprised: they have done this many times before...and we kept quiet as if it were none of our business!
FNL's spokeperson in the MCVS Mr Anatole Bacanamwo told PANA press that those posts are insignificant and left overs...and so talks need to resume because the struggle of the FNL deserves more than that: condescending remarks! Does FNL remember how many rebel groups there were in Burundi and how many received 33 posts? Clikc here to review those posts
A few days ago, the FNL was saying that the government has not honored its engagement because it failed to prepare appropriate assembly places for their fighting members! In addition they have asked the mediation money to organize a general assembly! According to, they have requested 300.000 USD. What will happen to the campaign before the election? who will finance it? Someone needs to be nimble here!
One understands that an agreement is done between two parties. One cannot escape to ask what the FNL has done on their side to implement the agreement (except complaining of course)! At least, FNL could have started telling us what they have been up to as far as changing the name goes. Recently Habimana spoke on air (sur RPA) that they were not concerned with posts and they were really eyeing on the 2010 elections...This is ludicrous!
Many Burundians have (had) faith in FNL after being disappointed by the Nkurunziza government. But how can Burundians trust leaders who change their minds every single day? Honestly one can easily question the intentions of the FNL today.
We all know that the deadline for implementing whatever they signed is in two days (Dec 31, 2008), it is not surprising that someone is finding excuses and someone else to blame. As to us simple Burundians, we need to hear no discourses! We need substance. FNL/government know that the UN mission in Burundi has been given another year: may be they see this as an opportunity!
It will be hard to convice us during the elections because after all, politicians only stand for their ownselves. But we can no longer afford that! If Americans have succeeded to overcome their past and differences...Burundian can too especially in these times when we receive financial aid from Rwanda, a country with the same potential as ours but with more brains synergy.