Saturday, April 24, 2010

Heart Breaking Breaking News!

Nkurunziza proclaimed candidate for 2010 presidential candidate by his political party or rather by his squad of death. Congratulation to the CNDD-FDD for choosing mediocrity; thank you for condemning Burundi to another hell, thank you for building free schools with none open to our kids, thank you condemning our kids to the streets. Thank you for sending our mothers to the morgue with free maternal care. Thank you for choosing to sell the country: what do we sell next? I mean Falcon 50 was sold, the Nickel sold, Gold sold, oh what else do we have?
I bet his avocado planting project convinced you? Seriously every one of the 1.669 who voted wants Nkurunziza in the presidential seat again? I thought there were few people with common sense still in CNDD-FDD? Oh I know: who could dare to vote "No" if he/she doesn't want the squad of death to have his/her head on plate by tomorrow morning?
Oh poor victims of Nkurunziza/Adolphe sponsored terrorism, hopefully when the members of the ruling party have the chance to vote in private will speak their hearts and think of this nation engulfed by famine, corruption, poverty and government sponsored murder! Hopefully those who still have common sense will choose reason, will choose for hungry Burundians, for teachers, for our kids toady denied of their right to education...
To Nkurunziza, please stop blaspheming, stop invoking God with your blood soiled hands: Amaraso y'abazir'ubusa azokwagiriza imbere y'Iyo Mana ubeshera ko yagutumwe!
I have said it from day one that this election is a lithmus test to any one with common sense in the nation. I stand to hope that Burundi will choose reason, here we endorse no one!

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