Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What do Think?

Is Nkurunziza a great Chameleon?
It seems that none of the actual Burundians in power did have any class of History during the course of their formal and informal education. There are few examples out there where governmental forces have reduced to nothing an armed group. Boyoya thought he could when he came back to power.
I happened to be at a conference where the president was the keynote speaker, and one of the messages he gave was "Mu Burundi nta ntambara izosubira kwaduka" (There is will be no hostilities in Burundi any more). What he meant was probably something other than what most of us understood. Was it another way to say we have eliminated the FNL? Nkurunziza cannot win the war against FNL because he has failed to win the war against FDN when the majority of the population was behind him. He might use loans and taxpayers’ resources to spend on the war, but what he forgets is what he endured as a rebel (Yakize icamwirukana). Militarily winning the war with against FNL means sending to exile so many angry people who will not rest until they are done with his government.
Another reason why Nkurunziza is missing it all. How can Tanzania honor Rwasa as "Mheshimiwa" (his excellency) and pretend to be activelly on the part of the Burundian government? If Tanzanian authority thought Agathon's actions were unjustified, then they could refuse him a safe heaven. Poor Nkurunziza asks Tanzania to intervene. One can understand that Tanzania recognizes Rwasa as another son of Burundi and so should Nkurunziza. It is time to claim our country back.For naive people like myself, and many other people, it is simple. FNL is not asking for the presidential palace or anything of unthinkable value. I call myself naive because may be I don't get it.
What might be the reasons behind the government's stubborness? Preparing the next election in an environment of confusion is what might be haunting the Burundian administration because then anything they do can be justified. But think of the percentage of peasants who hate the actual government. It is clear that Nkurunziza and Rwasa come from the same geographical region so that's rules out regional difference. It is also clear that Nkurunziza and Rwasa come from the same ethinic group. That rules out ethnic difference. None bapfa itongo?
As a Burundian, I have a say. I voted in 2005. Back then, I did not believe CNDD-FDD was serious, and unfortunately I was right. For me the credibility of CNDD-FDD ended with the split that resulted in many branches of CNDD and FDD. That's not the point though. The point is that it is time now. It is time for all Burundians who love the people to come together. 2010 is at the door. It would make sense to me if all of those who are angry at the current administration to stand together for the sake of the multitude who can easily be manipulated. If Nzomukunda loves Burundi as she claims, and if Sinduhije loves Burundi as he claims, if Nyangoma loves Burundi as he says he does, and if all other people love the country as they say they do, then they need to come together...Then we can see that well intentioned people have only one Goal in mind. The Burundi that we both love and cherish.
As you read this blog entry, remember those who are now displaced because someone wants to be powerful.This administration cheated us in 2005 and some of us believed: SHAME ON THEM, but if they can manage to cheat us gain in 2010, SHAME ON US.Muratubabarira bamwe bamwe igifaransa carakamye.
Clem Keza

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