Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh, by the way where are you from?

This paragraph was taken from the january 14th news published daily by As burundians, we kind of know it already, but at this day and age, may be we need to rething and talk about it! The following is the direct quote of the news.
Certains natifs de Bururi seraient en train de changer leurs cartes nationales d’identité et se réclament originaires de Mwumba, la commune natale du Président de la République, Pierre Nkurunziza. Ils accusent le parti au pouvoir de discrimination régionale dans l’octroi de l’emploi. Selon eux, cette action serait entreprise par le CNDD-FDD pour se venger contre les trois présidents qui ont dirigé notre pays, tous originaires de Bururi. Les associations de la Société civile oeuvrant dans cette province du Sud du Burundi confirment cette information.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is to devide the Burundians.
No one ignores the past as ...This man also is accused of a lot war crimes against his tribe..,

For me that is will him nothing...If I were him I should mind the Burundian security and economy!!!

Buyoya azomwereka!!!